/, RV Life/Regrouping in SoCal

Regrouping in SoCal

After Oregon we had always intended to head “home” to regroup.  Since we left Ventura with only what would fit in the pickup truck we needed to circle back to get the rest of our gear, as well as drop off some things we found we didn’t need.


Changing Some Gear

First we picked up some things we didn’t bring to Oregon, like camp chairs, bicycles, warm weather clothes (shorts,  bathing suits, sandals, etc), some more kitchen stuff (spices, etc), a few board games, some additional homeschool books for Alex, as well as his ukelele and keyboard.

There was also a quick trip to our storage unit to pack away a few things we decided we didn’t need on the trip (including the camper’s microwave – more on that in a future post).


Complications To “The Plan”:

Returning to Southern California also gave us an opportunity to connect with friends and family after a month on the road, before heading out on the longer part of our trip.

We intended to spend part of our time in Ventura, CA, near family, and then set up camp down in LA for a weekend to have an “Open House” for friends to see our new home on wheels.  Well, let’s just say this whole RV Lifestyle thing is not perfect.  You have to be flexible and roll be able to make changes as bumps come up…

Our first choice of campground in Ventura had suffered flood damage in their very rainy January and was not available.  So we ended up booking a half week at Lake Casitas Recreation Area – it was a bit of a drive to see family or for them to come see our new camper, but it was close enough.

The second half of our visit was supposed to be in LA, preferably close to the San Fernando Valley.  Good luck with that!  Try as we might we might there were slim pickings for places to bring an RV in north LA county.  My previous best choices were Malibu Creek State Park or Leo Carrillo State Park Campground – but both had suffered damage in the Woolsey Fire last November and both were closed.  We’ve tent-camped at both campgrounds in the past – they are beautiful locations – I hope they recover soon.


Lake Casitas – Beautiful and lush from the rains – but thanks to a decade of drought the water level is still far below “normal”


The Bike Rack Debacle

As always, how much stuff you bring with you depends on storage.  Geniuses that we are, we had the plan to put the chairs in the back of the pickup and to get a bike rack for the back of the RV.


bumpertroubleTo attach a bike rack to our RV we would need a trailer hitch receiver.  “No problem” – we were told by an expert we called,  just get a bolt-on hitch receiver that you can attach yourself.  We bought and tried two different versions.  NO GO.  These would fit perfectly on the square rear bumper on our RV – NOT!  Our bumper is smack dab up against the back wall of the rig.  There was no way to attach it!

I confirmed by calling our expert who said “Oh, a 2013 model? Yeah, we never could solve that.  You have to have a hitch receiver WELDED to the bumper. It’s the only way.”  A little investigation later we found that could cost us up to $500!!!

That was money we could better spend on travel, so, new plan:  The bikes would ride in the back of the pickup and the chairs (and a few other things) would have to travel in the trailer.


Warm Weather!


Trying out their new leashes, the cats were pretty much in shock!

Getting out of the cold in Oregon meant we could do a few things we haven’t done yet – like use our trailer’s awning, sit outdoors, grill outdoors, and take the cats outdoors for the first time in a month!

We did have a little rain, and even an hour of hail… but for the most part our time in Lake Casitas was warmer and drier than what we’d been doing for our first month on the road. After being cooped up in 230 sq feet (ish) we really appreciated how great it was to expand our living space to include the outdoors!



By far the best part of our stay here was the visits we received from a parade of friends and family.  It was great to be close to family (Grandma even came to teach Alex how to play Poker!)   And some friends traveled nearly hours to visit!






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Father. Husband. Writer. Dreamer. Futurist. Wordist. Tourist.

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By |2019-03-02T18:04:07+00:00March 2nd, 2019|RV & Rig, RV Life|4 Comments

About the Author:

Father. Husband. Writer. Dreamer. Futurist. Wordist. Tourist.

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Bret- When you make it VA, I can recommend Prince William State Park for camping – beautiful and close to DC … further up 95 into MD and we’ve camped at Susquehanna State Park – Gorgeous. Love reading about your adventure!

Bob Colleary
Bob Colleary

Hey, what is your schedule for Boston and/or DC?