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Grand Canyon Days – Photos

When we arrived at the Grand Canyon pulling our trailer, we were greeted by a small herd of elk – or rather, they walked out in front of us and Alex and I shouted “STOP” as Cynthia hit the brakes! (brakes worked great FYI).  It was late afternoon, but we quickly unhitched at Trailer Village and drove over to the rim to take in the first of what would be many views of this – one of the 7 Wonders of the Natural World.

It was chilly and the sun went down so we headed back to camp.  And then it rained buckets all night and all the next day.  We saw NOTHING for the next 24 hours but rain.

But in the coming days we got the full south rim experience – visitor’s center, drives, native american history, history of tourism at the canyon, the architecture of the area, walks, sunsets etc…  It was awe inspiring and beautiful at every turn.  And no, we did not hike down into the canyon… We told Alex he could come back when he’s 20 and have that adventure.

Rather than a give you a play by play – here are some photos of the not-raining days we spent at the South Rim of the Grand Canyon.


(click on pics to enlarge)

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Father. Husband. Writer. Dreamer. Futurist. Wordist. Tourist.

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By |2019-03-17T05:40:17+00:00March 17th, 2019|Destinations, Uncategorized|1 Comment

About the Author:

Father. Husband. Writer. Dreamer. Futurist. Wordist. Tourist.

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[…] we were visiting the Grand Canyon Cynthia wasn’t feeling well.  She was short of breath and had low energy.  At first we […]