About Us2018-12-16T03:02:33+00:00

We are a family that sold our home to tour the US full time in an RV.  It’s a dream we’ve had for a few years, but we had to wait until the timing was right.  Our friends and family asked us to post our adventures online so they could follow along… so welcome to TheTravelingDeweys.com!

Brett, Cynthia and Alex are going to see the best of the US – National Parks, State Parks, deserts, beaches, mountains, lakes, rivers, historical sites… along with some mini-golf and roadside attractions… let’s see where the road leads us!

We’ll be traveling in a pickup truck towing a 27′ travel trailer, and bringing along our dog, Peaches, and our two cats – Cricket and Cupcake!  Everyone is excited to see the country (well, except maybe the cats)!

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